Patients with a rare genetic disease should only receive information that is reliable and scientifically valid. FindMe2care has therefore set up a scientific committee of independent experts (FindMe2care Expert Board), which checks all requests from third parties and, like a filter, only allows information that meets the above criteria to be sent to patients.
The expert board consists of the following members:

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Nataliya Di Donato
Medical specialist in human genetics
Director of the Institute of Human Genetics, Hannover Medical School
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board and the Program Commission of the German Society of Human Genetics (GfH)

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Ulrike Schara-Schmidt
Medical specialist in pediatrics with specialization in neuropaediatrics
Head of the Department of Neuropaediatrics, Developmental Neurology and Social Pediatrics, Essen University Hospital
Chairwoman of the local ethics committee
Member of numerous national and international committees

Apl. Prof. Dr. med. Katarina Stingl
Medical specialist in ophthalmology
University Eye Clinic Tübingen
Head of the consultation for hereditary retinal degeneration, University Hospital Tübingen
Head of the Center for Rare Eye Diseases, University Hospital Tübingen
Member / Chair of the Research Working Group – European Reference Network for Rare Eye Diseases
Member of the expert committee for retinal dystrophies
Spokesperson of the Genetics Section of the DOG (German Ophthalmological Society)
National Coordination DRN-EYE (German Reference Network for Rare Eye Diseases)

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Regina Trollmann
Medical specialist in pediatrics and adolescent medicine with a focus on neuropaediatrics
Head of the Department of Neuropaediatrics, University Hospital Erlangen
Head of the Social Pediatric Center, University Hospital Erlangen
Deputy Spokesperson of the Center for Rare Diseases Erlangen (ZSEER)

Prof. Dr. med. Maggie C. Walter M.A.
Medical specialist in neurology, nutritional medicine
Managing Senior Physician at the Friedrich Baur Institute
Neurological Clinic and Polyclinic, LMU Clinic, Munich
Nutritionist DAEM/DGEM
DRG representative
QM representative
Local data protection officer